Charles Spurgeon and Humor in Preaching

Charles Spurgeon and Humor in Preaching

Charles Spurgeon’s prolific pen is well known. Today he still holds the record for the most books in print by any author living or dead. Spurgeon was barraged with requests to write prefaces for other authors during his lifetime. He refused to do so, as far as I know,...

William Perkins on Preaching

When it comes to the galaxy of Puritan preaching, the name of William Perkins shines brightly. His famous work on preaching, The Art of Prophesying, remains a classic in the field. More than four hundred years ago, Perkins delivered some addresses at Cambridge on the...

The Call of Duty

I’ve been working on a new sermon on 1 Samuel 3, God’s call of the boy Samuel. I came across this little snippet on Samuel’s call from George Matheson’s The Representative Men of the Bible. Matheson was the blind Scottish preacher of yesteryear...