by David Allen | Aug 8, 2019 | Bible, Preaching, Theology
NOTE: This is a slightly revised section from my “Introduction” in Text-Driven Preaching: God’s Word at the Heart of Every Sermon, edited by Daniel L. Akin, David L. Allen & Ned L. Matthews (Nashville: B&H Academic, 2010), 1-8. On any given Sunday in today’s...
by David Allen | Aug 5, 2019 | Culture, General, Scripture References, Theology
The television commercial interrupts your favorite show. The announcer has a deal for you that you can’t refuse! His product can slice, dice, and chop better than anything out there on the market. And not only that, “if you will act now, you will receive a second...
by David Allen | Aug 2, 2019 | Bible, Preaching, Scripture References, Sermons
“Outlining & Preaching 1 John 2:15-17 – Part 2”[1] Part 1 examined the structural outline of the passage, carefully looking at the sentence and clausal structure. Now we examine the semantic (meaning) relationships between the clauses and sentences themselves in...