by David Allen | Feb 25, 2025 | Baptist, Bible, Devotional, Pastoral Ministry, Preaching, Theology
This post is part of an occasional series, Questions from My Students, in which I take a real question from a student I’ve had and answer it. Question: Answer:
by David Allen | Oct 1, 2018 | Baptist, Bible, Calvinism, Theology
“Claims, Clarity, Charity – Why the Traditional Baptist Statement on Soteriology is not and cannot be Semipelagian.” David L. Allen Dean, School of Preaching Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Distinguished Professor of Preaching George W. Truett Chair of...
by David Allen | Nov 18, 2015 | Baptist, Calvinism, Preaching, Quotes, Theology
NOTE: This is a portion of my Evangelical Theological Society paper “Andrew Fuller: Particular Redemptionist who Held to Unlimited Atonement.” Fuller was a very important English Baptist (d. 1815) who had enormous impact on Baptists in America. Fuller’s debates with...
by David Allen | Apr 2, 2015 | Baptist, Bible, Calvinism, Gospel, Theology
My article, “Does Regeneration Precede Faith?” has just been released in New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary’s Journal for Baptist Theology and Ministry. The journal is online and the article can be accessed here: Does Regeneration Precede...
by David Allen | Mar 30, 2015 | Baptist, Bible, Calvinism, Theology
Five years ago this week, Whosoever Will: a Biblical-Theological Critique of Five-Point Calvinism, which I co-edited along with Dr. Steve Lemke, was published by B&H Academic....
by David Allen | Mar 23, 2015 | Baptist, Bible, Quotes, Theology
Our Anabaptist and Baptist forefathers were mistreated, imprisoned, tortured and murdered by Catholic and Protestant alike over their commitment to a New Testament ecclesiology centered around believer’s baptism by immersion. I wonder if we modern day Southern...