by David Allen | Nov 18, 2018 | Bible, Theology
THE ROLE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT IN THE ATONEMENT AND ITS APPLICATION David L. Allen Dean, School of Preaching Distinguished Professor of Preaching Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Fort Worth, Texas (Draft only) Introduction. While the NT is...
by David Allen | Oct 1, 2018 | Baptist, Bible, Calvinism, Theology
“Claims, Clarity, Charity – Why the Traditional Baptist Statement on Soteriology is not and cannot be Semipelagian.” David L. Allen Dean, School of Preaching Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Distinguished Professor of Preaching George W. Truett Chair of...
by David Allen | Jun 6, 2016 | Bible, Culture
IDOLATRY IN THE OLD TESTAMENT. The people of Israel in the Old Testament constantly had their problems with idolatry. In Exodus, while Moses is on the mountain receiving God’s Ten Commandments, the people grow tired of waiting for Moses to return and they coerce Aaron...
by David Allen | May 30, 2016 | Bible, Culture
The television commercial interrupts your favorite show. The announcer has a deal for you that you can’t refuse! His product can slice, dice, and chop better than anything out there on the market. And not only that, “if you will act now, you will receive a second...
by David Allen | Mar 28, 2016 | Bible, Sermons
Every Christian should always live in three arenas, 1) what we are, 2) what we shall be, and 3) what we should be. What we are is God’s child (v. 1); what we shall be is conformed to the image of Christ when we get to heaven (v. 2); what we should be on the basis of...
by David Allen | Mar 21, 2016 | Bible, Preaching, Sermons
On March 6, 2016, at First Baptist Church, Irving, TX, I preached on 1 John 2:15-17. This is the famous passage where Christians are exhorted not to love the world. What on earth does John mean? The structure of this text is often missed by expositors. The text has...