Christmas Love

Here is a short article I wrote on “Love” which released today at Merry Christmas! Christmas Love, By Dr. Allen
In a Changing World, Jesus Never Changes

In a Changing World, Jesus Never Changes

At 7:22 a.m., April 15, 1865, the gaunt body stretched on the bed in the room in the house on 10th street ceased to breath. Secretary of War, Edwin Stanton, turned to the window and pulled down the shade to shut out the bright sunlight. Looking back down at the silent...
In a Changing World, Jesus Never Changes

Post-Easter Thoughts on the Resurrection

The resurrection of Jesus is the most wicked hoax ever foisted on the minds of people, or it is the most fantastic fact of history! The resurrection is the foundation stone of Christian doctrine, the Gibraltar of Christian evidence, and the Waterloo of rationalism....