by David Allen | Feb 7, 2020 | Bible, Devotional, General, Scripture References
Every serious Christian desires to know and do the will of God. Paul says in Ephesians 5: “Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.” 1. OUR MOTIVES MUST BE PURE – Luke 11:34; Psalm 40:8 Ask the Holy Spirit to give you the single...
by David Allen | Jan 6, 2020 | Bible, Devotional, Preaching, Scripture References
NOTE: This is an excerpt from my sermon on 1 John 1:1-4 in 1-3 John: Fellowship in the Family (Crossway). John gives us another purpose for writing in verse 4; “so that our joy may be made complete.” John says when we have fellowship with you, our joy is full. John...
by David Allen | Oct 2, 2019 | Bible, Devotional, Gospel, Scripture References
NOTE: My sermon “Wanna Play Catch?” on 1 John 4:7-11 can be viewed here: When my oldest son, Jeremy, was five or six years old, one spring afternoon on my way home from work I stopped by the sporting goods store and bought him...
by David Allen | May 20, 2019 | Bible, Devotional
Luther’s ramshackle cart wobbled its way to Worms, Germany, in April of 1521. He had been summoned to appear before the Emperor and Catholic Prelates to give an account of this new “heresy” he was teaching called “justification by faith alone.” The learned Johann Eck...
by David Allen | Apr 8, 2019 | Bible, Culture, Devotional, Scripture References
Some years ago I read an author (I’ve forgotten whom, though I took some notes) who talked about doing the best of things in the worst of times from 1 Corinthians 16:8-9: “But I will stay in Ephesus until Pentecost, for a wide door for effective work has opened to me,...
by David Allen | Mar 8, 2019 | Devotional, Prayer
Psalm 5:3 has long been one of my favorite verses on prayer. “In the morning, O Lord, you will hear my voice; in the morning I will order my prayer to you and eagerly watch.” (NASB) “O Lord, in the morning you hear my voice; in the morning I prepare a sacrifice for...