by David Allen | Jul 26, 2019 | Preaching, Quotes
Charles Spurgeon’s prolific pen is well known. Today he still holds the record for the most books in print by any author living or dead. Spurgeon was barraged with requests to write prefaces for other authors during his lifetime. He refused to do so, as far as I know,...
by David Allen | Nov 18, 2015 | Baptist, Calvinism, Preaching, Quotes, Theology
NOTE: This is a portion of my Evangelical Theological Society paper “Andrew Fuller: Particular Redemptionist who Held to Unlimited Atonement.” Fuller was a very important English Baptist (d. 1815) who had enormous impact on Baptists in America. Fuller’s debates with...
by David Allen | Jun 29, 2015 | Culture, General, Quotes
This article by Joe Carter of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention contains 50 key quotes from 5 of the 9 Justices of the Supreme Court from Friday’s ruling legalizing same-sex marriage. Justice Kennedy wrote for the...
by David Allen | Mar 25, 2015 | Bible, Preaching, Quotes, Theology
When I was a teenage preacher, in virtually every pastor’s study I entered I saw on the shelf the four-volume set Word Studies in the New Testament by Marvin R. Vincent. The work was originally published in 1887 and it remains in print. It is Vincent’s best known...
by David Allen | Mar 23, 2015 | Baptist, Bible, Quotes, Theology
Our Anabaptist and Baptist forefathers were mistreated, imprisoned, tortured and murdered by Catholic and Protestant alike over their commitment to a New Testament ecclesiology centered around believer’s baptism by immersion. I wonder if we modern day Southern...
by David Allen | Mar 2, 2015 | Bible, Culture, Gospel, Quotes, Scripture References, Theology
NOTE: These are my notes that I used March 2 at the Expository Preaching Workshop on “Preaching Jude” at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. The lecture along with these notes will be posted online within a few weeks at “…I found it...